It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, source of income, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression in the sale, lease, rental, insuring or financing of housing. It also is illegal to discriminate against families with children younger than 18 years of age. The Equal Opportunity Department investigates housing discrimination complaints that have occurred within the city of Phoenix.

If you suspect you have been discriminated against in housing, you can file a complaint below or call the city of Phoenix Equal Opportunity Department at 602-262-7486/voice or 602-534-1557/TTY.

Contact Information

Address Information

If applicable to your complaint of discrimination, what is your:

Incident Information

Who do you believe discriminated against you? Was it a landlord, apartment manager, owner, bank, real estate agent, broker, company or organization? ​

What is the nature of your complaint?

Where did the alleged act of discrimination occur? Provide the address and indicate the type of facility/dwelling. Was it at a rental unit? Single family home? Public or assisted housing? A mobile home? The rental office of an apartment complex? Did it occur at a bank or other lending institution?​

If applicable to your complaint of discrimination, what is the persons:​